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Staff Council

Send Us Your Ideas

Staff Council welcomes and encourages all staff input.

Please use this form to send anonymous comments and questions to Staff Council. If you would like direct feedback, please include your name in the optional field provided or send an email to

Questions submitted with this form, without attribution or identifying information, may be posted with answers on the News & Events page or on our Staff Council Facebook page.

Every effort is made to keep this form as anonymous as possible, but nothing online is truly anonymous. Use appropriate discretion.

Staff Ideas, Questions and Suggestions

What is your idea, suggestion, or question about? Think broadly and in general terms (benefits, sustainability, morale), as you will be able to detail your question more fully in the next response.
Describe your idea, or define your question or suggestion as best you can in this field.
If you want a direct response from Staff Council, enter your full name in this field so that we can respond.